day six since you called.
i have nearly purged
myself of food in a failing
campaign to quiet the flies. they buzz
through the most uncanny arteries,
flitting into and out of
the blood. passageways
lost to regret become real
only when their wings
beat against
my veins.
each time I indulge them with fruit
rinds left to rot and crumbs sprinkled,
i feel a pulse where
the wounds are— the points of
entry and exit. feeling is all. to look is to blur
the image.
each time I remember you,
i regain the teenage sensation of losing
control; so distinct
from the imminent madness of being overrun
by these pests.
then, when i still felt young,
i fantasized about living in a hobbit hole
not unlike the mice who’ve made a home
in my gaping mouth. now i only fantasize about
dying realities.